Society » Education & Science » Higher education graduation in the U.S. | U.S. higher education - number of bachelor's degrees 1950-2028

Bachelor's degrees earned in the United States by gender 1950-2028

Number of bachelor's degrees earned in the United States from 1949/50 to 2027/28, by gender (in thousand)

The data displays the number of degrees earned in higher education from 1949/50 to 2015/16 with forecast to 2027/28. In academic year 2015/16, about 0.81 million male and 1.1 million female students earned a bachelor's degree in the U.S.

Bachelor’s degrees in the U.S. American students typically earn a bachelor’s degree for an undergraduate course of study and it is normally completed in 4 years. Depending on the major, students receive a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Fine Arts, or another type of certificate.

1949-50 328.84 103.22
1959-60 254.06 138.38
1969-70 451.1 341.22
1970-71 475.59 364.14
1971-72 500.59 386.68
1972-73 518.19 404.17
1973-74 527.31 418.46
1974-75 504.84 418.09
1975-76 504.93 420.82
1976-77 495.55 424
1977-78 487.35 433.86
1978-79 477.34 444.05
1979-80 473.61 455.81
1980-81 469.88 465.26
1981-82 473.36 479.63
1982-83 479.14 490.37
1983-84 482.32 491.99
1984-85 482.53 496.95
1985-86 485.92 501.9
1986-87 480.78 510.48
1987-88 477.2 517.63
1988-89 483.35 535.41
1989-90 491.7 559.65
1990-91 504.05 590.49
1991-92 520.81 615.74
1992-93 532.88 632.3
1993-94 532.42 636.85
1994-95 526.13 634
1995-96 522.45 642.34
1996-97 520.52 652.36
1997-98 519.96 664.45
1998-99 519.96 682.28
1999-00 530.37 707.51
2000-01 531.84 712.33
2001-02 549.82 742.08
2002-03 573.26 775.55
2003-04 595.43 804.12
2004-05 613 826.26
2005-06 630.6 854.64
2006-07 649.57 874.52
2007-08 667.93 895.14
2008-09 685.42 915.98
2009-10 706.66 943.26
2010-11 734.16 981.89
2011-12 765.77 1026.39
2012-13 787.41 1052.97
2013-14 801.91 1068.25
2014-15 812.69 1082.28
2015-16 821.78 1098.94
2016-17 838 1125
2017-18 798 1077
2018-19 800 1081
2019-20 803 1086
2020-21 804 1087
2021-22 804 1089
2022-23 805 1090
2023-24 806 1092
2024-25 808 1096
2025-26 811 1101
2026-27 814 1105
2027-28 816 1106