Society » Education & Science » Kindergarten and Child Care | Pre-primary school enrollment 1970-2016

Pre-primary school enrollment numbers in the United States 1970 to 2016

Pre-primary school enrollment (kindergarten, nursery) for children aged 3-5 years from 1970 to 2016 (in millions)
Created with Highcharts

The data displays the number of children enrolled in pre-primary school institutions (kindergarten or nursery) in the U.S. from 1970 to 2016. In 2016, around 8.76 million children were enrolled in nursery or kindergarten programs in the U.S.

1970 4.28
1975 5.14
1980 5.16
1985 8.23
1990 8.03
1995 8.04
2000 8.65
2004 8.73
2005 8.52
2006 8.73
2007 8.76
2008 8.66
2009 8.84
2010 9.01
2011 9.16
2012 8.77
2013 8.83
2014 8.76
2015 8.61
2016 8.76