Society » Education & Science » Kindergarten and Child Care | Share of children enrolled for full-day pre-primary programs in the U.S. 1980-2016

Share of children enrolled for full-day pre-primary programs in the United States 1980-2016

Share of children enrolled for a full-day kindergarten or nursery school program in the United States from 1980 to 2016
Created with Highcharts 5.0.1431.831.836.636.638.738.747.747.752.852.858.358.3595956.856.858.258.260.960.958.458.460.460.460.360.361.661.663.563.564.864.81980198519901995200020052006200720082009201020122013201420152016303540455055606570

The data displays the share of children enrolled in pre-primary school institutions (kindergarten or nursery) for a full-day (as oppose to a part-day) in the U.S. from 1980 to 2016. In 2014, about 61.6% of all children enrolled in pre-primary school institutions attended full-day programs.

1980 31.8
1985 36.6
1990 38.7
1995 47.7
2000 52.8
2005 58.3
2006 59
2007 56.8
2008 58.2
2009 60.9
2010 58.4
2012 60.4
2013 60.3
2014 61.6
2015 63.5
2016 64.8