Society » Education & Science » The Cost of College in the United States | Average spending on schooling per year and expected starting income, by major in 2016

Breakdown of costs of college in the United States and expected return among different majors

Average annual cost of college in the United States and expected starting salary, by major, in 2016 (in USD)

The data displays average cost of tuition in the U.S. and the expected starting salary, by undergraduate major, in 2016. In 2016, the average computer science degree cost 18,320 USD per year and could be expected to yield a starting salary of 61,321 USD per year.

Engineering & architecture 28019 64891
Computer science 18320 61321
Business 23638 52236
Math & science 28771 51796
Biological 24732 51213
All majors 23688 50500
Healthcare 23800 48712
Visual & performing arts 21570 47600
Communication 22339 47047
Liberal arts 23129 46374
Social science 24468 45773
Psychology 29507 44851
Social & protective services 18345 43339
Education 18589 34891