Society » Education & Science » The Cost of College in the United States | Average tuition costs when studying in-state at U.S. Universities 2013/14, by state

Average tuition costs when studying in-state at U.S. Universities 2013/14, by state

Average tuition and fees per year when studying in-state at U.S. Universities 2013/14, by state (in USD)

The data displays the average cost for tuition and other fees per year when studying in-state or in-district at universities in the U.S. in 2013/14. Studying in the District of Columbia was the most expensive with tuition and fees totaling on average 37,416 USD.

District of Columbia 37416
Massachusetts 30370
Rhode Island 27292
Connecticut 25435
Vermont 24155
New Hampshire 23881
New York 23418
Pennsylvania 23349
Illinois 22186
Maine 20746
New Jersey 19574
Minnesota 19477
Maryland 17729
Oregon 16657
Iowa 16506
Washington 16012
Ohio 15983
California 15756
Virginia 15439
Indiana 15429
Tennessee 14838
North Carolina 14606
South Carolina 14566
Missouri 14173
Wisconsin 13900
Michigan 13675
Nebraska 12657
Kentucky 12569
Texas 12445
Delaware 12299
Colorado 11981
Georgia 11340
Arizona 11098
Louisiana 10910
Kansas 10811
Alabama 10596
South Dakota 10382
Hawaii 10099
Oklahoma 9977
Alaska 9881
Florida 9615
Arkansas 9494
West Virginia 8688
Montana 8289
Mississippi 7748
Idaho 7406
New Mexico 7380
Utah 6617
Nevada 6400
Wyoming 4509