Society » Education & Science » The Cost of College in the United States | Recipients of Federal Pell Grants in the U.S. 1980 to 2017

Recipients of Federal Pell Grants in the United States from 1980/81 to 2016/17

Number of recipients of the Federal Pell Grant Award in the United States from 1980/81 to 2016/17

The data displays the average number of recipients in millions, of Federal Pell Grant Awards in the U.S. from 1980 to 2017. In the 1980/81 academic year there were 2.7 million recipients. By the academic year 2016/17 , the number of recipients had increased to 7.1 million.

1980-81 2.7
1985-86 2.8
1990-91 3.4
1995-96 3.6
2000-01 3.9
2005-06 5.2
2010-11 9.3
2011-12 9.4
2012-13 9
2013-14 8.7
2014-15 8.3
2015-16 7.6
2016-17 7.1