Society » Education & Science » The Cost of College in the United States | Average grant aid and tax benefits per student public 4-year institutions U.S. 1997 2018

Student grant aid and tax benefits at public 4-year institutions U.S. 1997-2018

Average grant aid and tax benefits per student at public four-year institutions in the United States between 1997 and 2018

The data displays the average grant aid and tax benefits received per student at public four-year institutions in the U.S. between 1997 and 2018. In the academic year 2017/2018, a full-time in-district undergraduate student at a public four-year institution received grant aid and tax benefits worth 5,830 USD on average in the U.S.

1997/1998 2560
2002/2003 3610
2007/2008 4210
2012/2013 5780
2013/2014 5830
2014/2015 5820
2015/2016 5860
2016/2017 5830
2017/2018 5830