Society » Education & Science » The Cost of College in the United States | Average student debt in the U.S. 2015/16, by state

Average student debt in the United States 2015/16, by state

Average debt of university graduates in the United States 2015/16, by state (in USD)

The data displays the average amount of student debt that graduates had in different states across the U.S., following 4 or more years of university in 2015/16. The lowest average amount of debt that students had was in the state of Utah at 19,975 USD.

New Hampshire 36367
Pennsylvania 35759
Connecticut 35494
Delaware 33838
Minnesota 31915
Massachusetts 31563
South Dakota 31362
Maine 31295
Alabama 31275
Rhode Island 31217
Montana 31065
Michigan 30852
Ohio 30351
New York 30346
South Carolina 30123
Wisconsin 30059
New Jersey 29878
Iowa 29801
Indiana 29562
Mississippi 29384
Virginia 29296
Illinois 29271
Kentucky 28910
Kansas 28776
Vermont 28662
West Virginia 27708
Georgia 27657
Missouri 27532
Maryland 27455
Oregon 27321
Louisiana 27138
Idaho 27130
Tennessee 26981
Arkansas 26859
Nebraska 26585
Colorado 26520
Texas 26292
Hawaii 26092
Alaska 26008
Oklahoma 25856
North Carolina 25562
Wyoming 25378
Washington 24609
Florida 24461
Nevada 24128
Arizona 23447
California 22744
New Mexico 21373
Utah 19975