Society » Politics & Government » Brexit - EU referendum | EU referendum voting intention by age & gender 2016

EU referendum voting intention in the United Kingdom 2016, by age and gender

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

The data displays the voting intention of respondents who intend to vote in the forthcoming EU referendum in the UK in 2016, by gender and age In both male and female voters the highest percentage for leaving the EU come from those who are 55 and older, whereas the both genders between the ages of 18 and 34 are likely to vote “remain”.

Men 18-34 38 24 16 21
Men 35-54 35 36 14 15
Men 55+ 36 43 5 16
Women 18-34 37 16 16 31
Women 35-54 26 32 11 32
Women55+ 25 51 5 19