Society » Politics & Government » Brexit - EU referendum | EU referendum voting intention by social class and gender

EU referendum voting intention in the United Kingdom 2016, by social class and gender

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

The data displays the voting intention of respondents who intended to vote in the EU referendum in the UK in June 2016, the results are sorted by gender and social grade. Men in the highest brackets are the most likely to vote “remain”. There is a higher percentage of men in brackets C2, D and E who were stated that they would not vote. Women in A, B and C1 brackets had the highest share of respondents that had an undecided voting intention in the UK's EU referendum

Remain a member 44 27 34 23
Leave 33 37 33 37
Wouldn't vote 7 18 8 13
Don't know 16 19 26 27