Society » Politics & Government » Brexit - EU referendum | Ways for the UK to leave the EU by form 2015

Perceived ideal model of government in a post-brexit scenario UK 2015, by nation

In what form would you like the UK to leave the EU?

The data displays the difference in respondent’s opinion who would vote to for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union. The data indicates that in every nation, the majority opinion of withdrawal method from the EU is to concentrate on strengthening trade links with the rest of the world, such as the commonwealth, North America or new and emerging markets. The only exception, is Wales, of which 34% of respondents would rather remain in the European Economic area.

All respondents 22.1 29.1 42.7 4.7 1.5
England 21.1 29.1 44 4.5 1.3
Scotland 27.9 28.6 34.7 6.8 2
Wales 34 27 32 5 2