Society » Politics & Government » Brexit - EU referendum | The UK to remain a member of the EU by form in England 2015

UK: perceived ideal model of government in a post-referendum scenario 2015, by region

In what form would you like the UK to remain a member of the EU?

The data shows the difference in opinions between respondents based in England who would vote "yes" to the United Kingdom remaining as a member of the EU. By and large the numbers of respondents want the transfer of power back to the United Kingdom; the only exception to this is London, whereby a slight majority wants the United Kingdom to remain in its current form.

London 30.7 16.1 27.6 19.6 2 4
South East 23.3 13.3 33.2 26 0.8 3.5
Eastern 22.6 13.8 38.3 19.4 1.8 4.2
East Midlands 22.1 8.4 45.8 18.3 0.8 4.6
Yorkshire & Humber 28.6 9.9 37.3 18 0.6 5.6
North East 28.8 13.6 37.3 15.3 0 5.1
North West 25.7 11.9 35.3 21.5 1.5 4.2
West Midlands 21.2 12.7 38.1 23.3 0.4 4.2
South West 26.3 10.2 34.8 24.4 0.9 3.4