Society » Politics & Government » Brexit - EU referendum | Perceived impact on small business if UK exits EU by nation 2015

Perceived impact on small business if UK exits EU 2015, by nation

What impact would withdrawal from the EU have on your business?

The data displays the difference in perception of EU withdrawal between nations within the UK in 2015. The highest perceived negative impact comes from Scotland. There is a 14.2% difference in the peak negative impact between Scotland (highest) and England (lowest), although in every country the perceived negatives outweigh the positives by 24.1%.

England 18.2 34.5 39.4 8
Scotland 9.8 28.9 53.6 7.7
Northern Ireland 14.6 27.1 50 8.3
Wales 17.4 29.7 46 7
All respondents 17.2 33.6 41.3 7.9