Society » Politics & Government » The British Royal Family | Royal tourism: admissions income UK 2009-2018

Royal tourism: admission income from Royal Estate UK 2009-2018

Income from ticket admissions to the Royal Estate in the United Kingdom from 2009/10 to 2017/18 (The figures are in thousands of British pounds)

The data displays income from ticket admission to the Royal Estate in the UK from the fiscal year 2009/10 to 2017/18. Such income has shown year on year growth since the beginning of the period, with the exception of the fiscal year 2012/2013 and 2014/2015 where there was a slight decrease. In 2017/18, the Royal Estate earned 40.8 million GBP from admissions income.

2009/10 23307
2010/11 25246
2011/12 31815
2012/13 30397
2013/14 33655
2014/15 32558
2015/16 34391
2016/17 39502
2017/18 40844