Society » Politics & Government » The British Royal Family | Royal Family: Prince Charles' favorability rating 2018

British Royal Family: Prince Charles' global favorability ratings in 2018

How favorable or unfavorable are your opinions and impressions of Prince Charles?

The data shows how favorable Prince Charles was viewed in different countries worldwide in 2018. With a net favorability of 47 percent, Charles is viewed most favorably in Romania, more than his native Great Britain where his net favorability rating is only 3%. In 14 of the countries surveyed here, Charles has a negative favorability rating

Romania 47
India 35
Saudi Arabia 33
Malaysia 21
China 14
Turkey 11
Brazil 10
United States 7
Great Britain 3
Mexico 3
Poland 1
Russia 0
Hungary 0
Total -1
Peru -1
South Korea -2
South Africa -5
France -7
Sweden -10
Belgium -10
Canada -11
Germany -11
Serbia -11
Japan -15
Australia -18
Argentina -24
Spain -30
Chile -30
Italy -32