Leisure, Arts & Hospitality » Art & Culture » Art market in the United Kingdom (UK) | Artistic creation: UK enterprises by turnover 2017

Artistic creation: number of enterprises in the United Kingdom 2017, by turnover

Number of enterprises for artistic creation in the United Kingdom in 2017, by turnover size band

The data displays the number of VAT and/or PAYE based enterprises dealing in artistic creation in the UK as of March 2017, by turnover size band. A total of 5,140 enterprises in the sector had a turnover between 0 to 49,999 GBP. There were only 55 enterprises with a turnover of more than 5 million GBP.

£0 - £49,999 5140
£50,000 - £99,999 4935
£100,000 - £249,999 3755
£250,000 - £499,999 1150
£500,000 - £999,999 545
£1 million - £1.999 million 245
£2 million - £4.999 million 135
£5 million - £9.999 million 45
£10 million - £49.999 million 10
£50 million + 5