Leisure, Arts & Hospitality » Art & Culture » Dance in the United Kingdom (UK) | England: barriers to carrying out more training for the fitness workforce 2015 I UK statistic

Barriers to carrying out more training for the fitness workforce in England in 2015

Share of people working in the dance, fitness and group exercise sector who perceive barriers to carrying out more training in England in 2015, by category
Created with Highcharts 5.0.146262242419191212885544181838387676818188889292969696968282Financial costI cannot find time totrainI cannot find time to trainLack of suitable trainingI am too busy toarrange trainingI am too busy to arrange trainingI am not sure whattraining is availableI am not sure what training is availableI am already fullyproficient and do notneed to trainI am already fully proficient and do not need to trainI am not interested indoing further trainingI am not interested in doing further trainingOther020406080100120

The data illustrates the result of a survey on the share of people working in the dance, fitness and group exercise sector who perceive barriers to carrying out more training in England in 2015, by category. In 2015, it was found that 62% of respondents stated that financial cost is a barrier to carrying out more training to them.

Financial cost 62 38
I cannot find time to train 24 76
Lack of suitable training 19 81
I am too busy to arrange training 12 88
I am not sure what training is available 8 92
I am already fully proficient and do not need to train 5 96
I am not interested in doing further training 4 96
Other 18 82