Longest running productions on the West End in London 2016

Longest-running productions on the West End in London by number of performances as of January 2018

This chart provides a ranking of the longest running productions on the West End in London by number of performances as of January 2018. The Mousetrap is currently the longest running production in West End History, with over 27 thousand performances since it began in 1952. Les Misérables, and The Phantom of the Opera are also in the ranking as two of the longest running musicals.

The Mousetrap (1952) 27174
Les Misérables (1985) 13341
The Phantom of the Opera (1986) 13008
The Woman In Black (1989) 11704
Blood Brothers (1988) 10013
Cats (1981) 8949
Mamma Mia! (1999) 7871
Disney's The Lion King (1999) 7634
Starlight Express (1984) 7406
No Sex Please, We're British (1971) 6761
Stomp (2002) 6512
Chicago (1997 revival) 6187
Buddy - The Buddy Holly Story (1989) 5140
Wicked (2006) 4746
We Will Rock You (2002) 4659
Billy Elliot The Musical (2005) 4566
The Black & White Minstrel Show (1962) 4344
Miss Saigon (1989) 4264
Jersey Boys (2008) 3787
Thriller Live (2009) 3745