UK: London theatre box office revenue 2000-2017

Gross box office revenue of theatres in London in the United Kingdom from 2000 to 2017 (The figures are in thousands of British pounds)

The data shows the gross box office revenue of theatres in London in the UK from 2000 to 2017. At the box office, London theatres generated a gross revenue of approx. 705 million GBP in 2017.

2000 286558
2001 298989
2002 327972
2003 321485
2004 343674
2005 383942
2006 400853
2007 469939
2008 483349
2009 504766
2010 512332
2011 528376
2012 529788
2013 585506
2014 623616
2015 633779
2016 644720
2017 705007