Number of visitors to Las Vegas 2000-2017

Number of visitors to Las Vegas in the United States from 2000 to 2017 (in millions)

The data displays the number of visitors to Las Vegas in the U.S. from 2000 to 2017. There were 39.01 million visitors to Las Vegas in 2017.

Las Vegas visitors - additional information In 2017, 39.01 million people visited the city of Las Vegas, a slight dip from that recorded in previous years. In January 2017, a survey found that Las Vegas was the destination U.S. travelers would most like to visit in the next year. Las Vegas is located in the state of Nevada in the west of the U.S. Census data recorded the city’s population at over 580 thousand inhabitants.

2000 35.85
2001 35.01
2002 35.07
2003 35.54
2004 37.39
2005 38.57
2006 38.91
2007 39.2
2008 37.48
2009 36.35
2010 37.34
2011 38.93
2012 39.73
2013 39.67
2014 41.13
2015 42.31
2016 42.94
2017 39.01