Gambling participation in the UK 2016, by age

Share of gambling participants in the United Kingdom from 2013 to 2016, by age
Created with Highcharts 5.0.1448485252626259596262575748484949565658586060585851515050565655555858515133333838444454545252454538.138.148.348.349.249.252.652.652.752.748.448.416-24 year olds*25-34 year olds35-44 year olds45-54 year olds55-64 year olds65+ year olds010203040506070

The data displays the participation in gambling in the UK from 2013 to 2016, broken down by age groups. The biggest age group for gambling are the groups from 45 to 64 year olds, younger people tend to gamble less overall. It is worth noting that every age grop has lost in participation over the three years.

16-24 year olds 48 48 51 33 38.1
25-34 year olds 52 49 50 38 48.3
35-44 year olds 62 56 56 44 49.2
45-54 year olds 59 58 55 54 52.6
55-64 year olds 62 60 58 52 52.7
65+ year olds 57 58 51 45 48.4