Leading devices used to bet online in the United Kingdom 2015, by game

Most popular devices used to bet online in the United Kingdom in 2015, by game
Created with Highcharts 5.0.14252522223030252526261919232320202020141412121717101014141010141410101313565657575757585858585656626260605959343434343333343434343232292931313535223311332233334433Horse racesDog racesFootballTennisOther sportsFootball PoolsOther eventsVirtual dog/horseracesVirtual dog/horse racesSpread betting010203040506070

The data shows the findings on the leading devices used to bet online in Great Britain (GB) in 2015, by game. During the survey period in 2015, it was found that 25% of respondents who used mobile devices to gamble online reported that they participated in online horse race betting.

Horse races 25 14 56 34 2
Dog races 22 12 57 34 3
Football 30 17 57 33 1
Tennis 25 10 58 34 3
Other sports 26 14 58 34 2
Football Pools 19 10 56 32 3
Other events 23 14 62 29 3
Virtual dog/horse races 20 10 60 31 4
Spread betting 20 13 59 35 3