Consumer Goods » Clothing » Apparel market in the UK | Clothing average weekly expenditure by garment type 2017

Clothing: weekly household expenditure in the United Kingdom 2017, by garment type

Average weekly household expenditure on clothing in the United Kingdom in 2017, by garment type (in British Pounds)

The data displays the average weekly expenditure per household on clothing in the UK in 2017, split by men's, women's and children's underwear and outerwear. As of 2017, households spent an average of 5.30 GBP a week on men's outer garments and 8.70 GBP a week on women's outer garments. There was an average of one British pound spent on girl's (5-15 years) outer garments and 90 pence spent on boys outer garments

Women's outer garments 8.7
Men's outer garments 5.3
Women's under garments 1.3
Girls' outer garments (5-15) 1
Boys' outer garments (5-15) 0.9
Infants' outer garments (under 5) 0.7
Men's under garments 0.5
Children's under garments (under 16) 0.4