Leisure, Arts & Hospitality » Hobbies » Physical Activity | U.S. female participants high school athletics 1992-2018

Number of female participants in U.S. high school athletic programs 1992-2018

Total number of female participants in high school athletics in the U.S. from 1992/93 to 2017/18

The data shows the total number of U.S. female high school participants in athletic programs from 1992 to 2018. 3,415,306 girls participated in a high school athletic program in 2017/18.

92/93 1997489
93/94 2130315
94/95 2240461
95/96 2367936
96/97 2474043
97/98 2570333
98/99 2652726
99/00 2675874
00/01 2784154
01/02 2806998
02/03 2856358
03/04 2865299
04/05 2908390
05/06 2953355
06/07 3021807
07/08 3057266
08/09 3114091
09/10 3172637
10/11 3173549
11/12 3207533
12/13 3222723
13/14 3267664
14/15 3287735
15/16 3324306
16/17 3400297
17/18 3415306