Leisure, Arts & Hospitality » Parks & Outdoors » Recreational Boating | U.S. intentions to fish from a boat 2015

Intentions of people in the United States to fish from a boat in the next 24 months 2015

Intentions of people in the U.S. to fish from a boat in 24 months proceeding the survey from 2010 to 2015

The data displays the share of people in the United States by their likeliness to go fishing from a boat in the 24 months proceeding the survey from 2010 to 2015. During the 2014 survey, 65% of respondents indicated they were somewhat or very likely to fish from a boat in the next 24 months.

2010 50 51
2011 37 66
2012 24 56
2013 28 72
2014 35 65
2015 29 71