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Average attendance of major soccer leagues around the world 2017/18

Major soccer leagues worldwide ranked by average per game attendance in 2017/18 (in thousands)

The data displays a ranking of major soccer leagues worldwide in respect to average per game attendance in 2017/18. Games of Major League Soccer had an average attendance of around 21.37 thousand spectators per game in the 2017 season.

Major U.S. sports leagues attendance The National Football League was the best attended major sports league in the world in 2013/14 as an average of over 68,000 fans watched each game live in the stadiums. This is some 25,000 more than the average attendance for the German Bundesliga, the second most attended league in the world.

Bundesliga (Germany) 41.52
Premier League (England) 38.3
Primera DivisiĆ³n (Spain) 26.94
Primera DivisiĆ³n (Mexico) 25.18
Serie A (Italy) 24.77
Ligue 1 (France) 22.52
Major League Soccer (North America) 22.12