Leisure, Arts & Hospitality » Sports & Fitness » Olympic Summer Games | Risk of Zika virus in the US due to Brazil Olympics travel

Risk assessment of Zika virus being brought to the U.S. from Rio Summer Olympics 2016

How big of a risk do you think it is that Americans traveling to Brazil for the Olympics will bring the virus back to the United States?

The data displays how concerned U.S. survey respondents were about the risk of Americans traveling to Brazil for the Olympics then bringing back the Zika virus to the U.S. 31% of survey respondents said that they thought it was a big risk that Americans traveling to the Olympics in Rio would bring back the Zika virus with them to the U.S. In 2015, Brazil saw a sharp rise in cases of microcephaly among newborns believed to be connected with the spreading of the Zika virus.

Big risk 31
Medium risk 37
Small risk 22
Not sure 10