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Premier League clubs by price of a pie 2017/18

Teams of the Premier League ranked by the price of a pie in 2017/18 (in British Pounds)

The data displays a ranking of Premier League teams according to the price of a pie at the stadium in 2017/18. Tottenham Hotspur sold the most expensive pies, retailing at 4.30 pounds sterling.

Tottenham Hotspur 4.3
Watford 4.2
Brighton 4.1
Crystal Palace 4
Leicester 4
Manchester City 4
West Ham 3.9
Manchester United 3.9
Swansea 3.9
Arsenal 3.9
Newcastle United 3.6
Bournemouth 3.5
Southampton 3.5
Liverpool 3.4
Huddersfield 3.4
West Bromwich 3.4
Everton 3.3
Stoke 3.2
Burnley 3
Chelsea 2.5