UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) total revenue 2004-2017

UEFA total revenue from 2004/05 to 2016/17 (Figures expressed in millions of euros)

The data displays the total revenue of the UEFA from the 2004/05 season to the 2016/17 season. The season runs from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. The revenue of the 2016/17 season was 2.84 billion euro.

2004/05 659.2
2005/06 700.45
2006/07 1151.6
2007/08 1925.26
2008/09 907
2009/10 1394.7
2010/11 1384.1
2011/12 2795.7
2012/13 1698.9
2013/14 1730.4
2014/15 2099.41
2015/16 4579.8
2016/17 2835.9