Leisure, Arts & Hospitality » Sports & Fitness » Yoga | Popular time of the day for yoga exercises in US 2016

Time of the day people in the United States normally practice yoga 2016

What time of the day do / did you normally practice yoga?

The data displays what time of the day people in the U.S. normally practice yoga in 2016 42% of survey respondents said they practice yoga in the morning (6 to 10 a.m.).

In the morning (6 to 10 a.m.) 42
In the late morning (10 to 12 a.m.) 23
Around noon (12 a.m. to 1 p.m.) 8
In the afternoon (1 to 5 p.m.) 15
In the evening (5 to 12 p.m.) 30
At night (12 p.m. to 6 a.m.) 2