Apple employee number 2005-2017

Apple's number of employees in the fiscal years 2005 to 2017 (in thousands)

The data displays the total number of Apple employees as of the end of each financial year for the company from 2005 through to 2017. As of 2017, the total number of Apple employees had reached more than 123 thousand (only counting full-time equivalent).

Apple Corporation – additional information Founded in 1976, Apple is an American multinational corporation that specializes in computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers and online services. The company initially focused on the production of consumer and business computers.

2005 14.8
2006 17.79
2007 21.6
2008 32
2009 34.3
2010 46.6
2011 60.4
2012 72.8
2013 80.3
2014 92.6
2015 110
2016 116
2017 123