Technology & Telecommunication Services » Consumer Electronics » Augmented Reality (AR) | Forecast augmented and virtual reality software market segment size 2020-2025

Projected size of global augmented and VR market segments 2020-2025

Forecast size of the augmented and virtual reality (VR/AR) market worldwide in 2020 and 2025, by segment (Figures expressed in billions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)

The data illustrates the forecast breakdown of the augmented and virtual reality (VR) software market, by segment, in 2020 and 2025. By 2025, it is predicted that augmented and virtual reality software for video games will be worth 11.6 billion USD.

Video games 6.9 11.6
Healthcare 1.2 5.1
Engineering 1.5 4.7
Live events 0.8 4.1
Video entertainment 0.8 3.2
Real estate 0.8 2.6
Retail 0.5 1.6
Military 0.5 1.4
Education 0.3 0.7