Consumer Goods » Clothing » Global Luxury Goods Industry | Value of various global luxury markets in 2017, by market type

Value of various global luxury markets 2017, by market type

Value of various global luxury markets in 2017, by market type (Figures expressed in billions of euros)

The data displays the estimated value of various global luxury markets in 2017, by market type. It is estimated that in 2017 the global luxury cars market will be worth about 489 billion euro. The total value of the global luxury goods market was approx. 1.16 trillion euro.

Luxury Goods IndustryThe global luxury goods industry, which includes drinks, fashion, cosmetics, fragrances, watches, jewelry, luggage and handbags, has been on an upward climb for many years. Although the technical term 'luxury good' is independent of the goods' quality, they are generally considered to be goods at the highest end of the market in terms of quality and price.

Luxury cars 489
Personal luxury goods 262
Luxury hospitality 191
Fine wines and spirits 70
Fine food 49
Fine art 40
Designer furniture 35
Private jets and yachts 23
Luxury cruises 2