Consumer Goods » Clothing » Global Luxury Goods Industry | Levers impacting luxury consumers opinions or purchase decisions worldwide 2017

Levers impacting opinions or purchase decisions worldwide 2016-2017

Which of the following online sources of information/channels impact how you develop opinions or make decisions about luxury purchases?

The data displays the different levers that influence True-Luxury consumers' opinions or decisions regarding luxury purchases worldwide in 2016 and 2017, sorted by category. In 2017, 39% of True-Luxury consumers stated that social media and influencers had an impact on how they developed opinions or made decisions about luxury purchases.

Social media & influencers 38 39
Magazines 39 37
Brand websites 33 31
Store windows 26 27
Word of mouth (WoM) 19 22
TV & movies 23 20
Events 17 14
Seen worn 12 14
Celebrities 16 13