Consumer Goods » Clothing » Global Luxury Goods Industry | Luxury buying conditions among Millennials worldwide 2017

Luxury goods purchase triggers for Millennials worldwide 2017

Occasions when Millennials consider purchasing high-end fashion or luxury items worldwide 2017

The data displays the results of a 2017 survey in which Millennials were asked when they tend to consider purchasing high-end fashion or luxury items. During the survey, 20.5% of respondents said they considered buying new luxury goods for a particular occasion, such as a wedding or party.

For a particular occasion (e.g. wedding, party, etc.) 20.5
When I want to treat myself 18.5
After receiving a bonus on top of my usual salary 13.4
On payday 11.3
When an older luxury item needs replacing 10.1
When I'm feeling a bit low 7.5
After seeing my favorite celebrity/influencer with it 6.1
No particular time 4.7
After seeing friends with it 3.8
During Fashion Week 3.7
Other 0.4