Unit sales of the Oculus Rift development kits DK1 and DK2 2015

Number of DK1 & DK2 Oculus Rift development kits shipped worldwide up to June 2015, by region

The data displays the worldwide unit shipments of Oculus Rift development kits DK1 & DK2 up to June 2015, by region. Shipments of the Oculus Rift development kit DK2 in North America amounted to 56,590 units. Overall, more than 56 thousand units of the DK1 and almost 119 thousand units of the DK2 were sold worldwide.

Oculus Rift sales – additional information The virtual reality headset Oculus Rift is set for release to the consumer market in early 2016. In order to encourage the developer community to program content for the device, Oculus VR, the company behind the product, released two development kits, DK1 and DK2, in 2012 and 2014 respectively.

North America 27746 56590
Europe 19899 41409
Asia 4625 13816
Oceania 3359 5468
South America 557 1228
Africa 131 353
Caribbean Islands 11 35
Central America 6 31