Technology & Telecommunication Services » Hardware » Intel | Global GPU shipments market share by vendor 2013-2018

Global GPU shipments market share by vendor 2013-2018

Global GPU shipments market share from 3rd quarter 2013 to 1st quarter 2018, by producer

The data displays the global graphics processing units (GPU) market share from the 3rd quarter of 2013 to the 1st quarter of 2018, by vendor. As of the first quarter of 2018, Intel was the largest vendor in the GPU market, occupying 66.6% of the market share.

Q3 '13 20.7 62.9 16.3
Q4 '13 18.3 65.1 16.6
Q1 '14 16.7 66.8 16.6
Q2 '14 16.5 69.9 13.6
Q3 '14 14.1 71.8 14.1
Q4 '14 13.6 71.4 15
Q1 '15 12.9 72.2 14.9
Q2 '15 10.7 75.2 14.1
Q4 '15 11.8 71.6 16.6
Q1 '16 13.2 70.1 16.7
Q2 '16 13.5 72.6 13.9
Q3 '16 13 70.9 16.1
Q4 '16 14.4 68.1 17.5
Q1 '17 13.1 71.1 15.8
Q2 '17 13.2 70.6 16.3
Q3 '17 13 67.8 19.3
Q4 '17 14.2 67.4 18.4
Q1 '18 14.9 66.6 18.4