Technology & Telecommunication Services » Hardware » PC market in Europe | UK households with a desktop computer, by income

Households with a desktop computer in the UK 2017, by income group

Percentage of households with a home computer in the United Kingdom in 2017, by gross income group

The data displays the % of households in the UK that own a home computer based on their gross income decile group, from here on referred to as income group. The survey was conducted in 2017. In this year, 57% of respondents in the lowest 10% income group owned a home computer. In the highest 10% income group, 100% of respondents owned a home computer.

Lowest ten percent 57
Second decile group 67
Third decile group 81
Fourth decile group 89
Fifth decile group 92
Sixth decile group 97
Seventh decile group 97
Eighth decile group 98
Ninth decile group 100
Highest ten percent 100