Technology & Telecommunication Services » Hardware » PCs | Workstation shipments worldwide 2008-2017, by quarter

Workstation shipments worldwide 2008-2017, by quarter

Quarterly workstation shipment figures worldwide from 2008 to 2017 (in 1,000 units)

The data displays the number of computer workstation shipments worldwide from the third quarter of 2008 to the fourth quarter of 2017. Approximately 1.3 million workstations were shipped in the fourth quarter of 2017.

Q3 '08 854.2
Q4 '08 764.3
Q1 '09 576.7
Q2 '09 602.1
Q3 '09 644.6
Q4 '09 716.9
Q1 '10 725
Q2 '10 795
Q3 '10 849.7
Q4 '10 903.7
Q1 '11 860
Q2 '11 906.8
Q3 '11 1020
Q4 '11 998.6
Q1 '12 918.4
Q2 '12 883
Q3 '12 932.3
Q4 '12 934
Q1 '13 890.5
Q2 '13 940
Q3 '13 973.1
Q4 '13 971.6
Q1 '14 945.8
Q2 '14 1050
Q3 '14 1020
Q4 '14 1030
Q1 '15 912
Q2 '15 1020
Q3 '15 1040
Q4 '15 1040
Q1 '16 904
Q2 '16 1100
Q3 '16 1135
Q4 '16 1230
Q2 '17 1195
Q3 '17 1250
Q4 '17 1300