Employees of electrolux by region 2006-2017

Electrolux employees by geographical area from 2006 to 2017

The data displays the the number of employees at Electrolux by geographic region from 2006 to 2017. In 2017, Electrolux employed a total of 21,258 people in Europe.

2006 28694 12373 8838 2900 109 2557
2007 28855 12068 10697 2965 101 2212
2008 28138 11398 10716 2989 115 1821
2009 25293 10384 10921 2282 94 1659
2010 23031 10706 14423 2297 88 1629
2011 21666 9178 14971 2534 2912 1655
2012 21617 9152 17492 2756 6839 1622
2013 21600 9923 18242 3341 6055 1593
2014 20768 10702 18478 3592 5000 1498
2015 20548 9933 18325 3872 4218 1369
2016 20991 10064 16218 3736 3255 1136
2017 21258 9755 15975 4219 3481 1004