Technology & Telecommunication Services » IT Services » SAP SE | SAP number of employees by department 2013-2017

Number of SAP employees worldwide 2013-2017, by department

Number of SAP employees worldwide between 2013 and 2017, by department

The data displays the number of fulltime employees at SAP worldwide in 2017, broken down by department. In that year, the number of employees in the infrastructure department amounted to 3,087 people. The strength of SAP's sales and research departments have helped the company consistently break its global revenue records year after year.

Research and development 20938 23363 24872
Sales and marketing 18206 21977 23219
Services 15085 14621 17379
Cloud and Software 14991 16002 14482
General and administration 5024 5393 5504
Infrastructure 2743 2827 3087