Consumer Goods » Clothing » Jewelry market in Italy | Recipients of jewelry during Christmas by type in Italy in 2017

Italy: recipients of jewelry during Christmas 2017, by type

For who do you intend to purchase valuables and watches during Christmas?
Created with Highcharts 5.0.1481.981.9292917.717.713.813.81.61.6Close relativesFor oneselfOther relativesFriendsAcquaintances020406080100

The data displays the individuals who are more likely to receive jewelry items and watches during Christmas in Italy in 2017, broken down by type. As of the survey period, the vast majority of the respondents (81.9%) admitted that they will purchase valuables and watches for their close relatives. Another 13.8% of the individuals interviewed stated that they will buy jewelry items and watches to their friends.

Close relatives 81.9
For oneself 29
Other relatives 17.7
Friends 13.8
Acquaintances 1.6