Technology & Telecommunication Services » Software » Microsoft | Satisfaction with the voice of Microsoft's Cortana in the U.S. 2017

Satisfaction with the voice of Microsoft's Cortana in the United States 2017

User satisfaction with voice of Microsoft Cortana in the United States, as of April 2017

The data displays the results of a survey conducted in the U.S. in April 2017. U.S. residents were asked about their satisfaction with the voice of Microsoft's Cortana. At that time, 53% of respondents indicated that they were very satisfied with the voice of Cortana. Cortana is a virtual assistant that takes natural language commands or questions, either in written or spoken from, and attempts to carry out a task or provide an answer for the user.

Very satisfied 53
Somewhat satisfied 41
Somewhat unsatisfied 5
Very unsatisfied 1