Technology & Telecommunication Services » Telecommunications » AT&T | AT&T revenue entertainment & Internet services segment 2016-2018

Revenue breakdown of AT&T's entertainment & Internet services segment 2016-2018

AT&T's revenue from its entertainment & Internet services segment from 1Q'16 to 2Q'18 (Figures expressed in millions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)

The data displays the revenue of AT&T's entertainment & Internet services segment from the first quarter of 2016 to the second quarter of 2018. Video entertainment contributed 8.33 billion USD in revenue to AT&T's entertainment & Internet services segment in the second quarter of 2018.

1Q '16 8904 1803 1286 639
2Q '16 8963 1867 1215 640
3Q '16 9026 1892 1142 637
4Q '16 9567 1910 1077 628
1Q '17 9020 1941 1031 609
2Q '17 9153 1927 981 600
3Q '17 9200 1916 926 585
4Q '17 9355 1890 887 593
1Q '18 8359 1878 819 521
2Q '18 8331 1981 785 553