Technology & Telecommunication Services » Telecommunications » CenturyLink | US broadband subscribers telephone companies 2011-2018

Broadband internet subscriber numbers in the United States 2011-2018, by telephone company

Number of broadband internet subscribers in the United States from 2011 to 2018, by telephone company

The data displays the number of broadband internet subscribers in the U.S. by telephone company from the first quarter of 2011 to the second quarter of 2018. In the most recent quarter, AT&T had a total of 15.77 million broadband internet subscribers.

Q1 '11 16485000 8490000 2446000 1707678 1331700 258500 297491
Q2 '11 16473000 8552000 5427000 1715119 1336500 257900 305155
Q3 '11 16476000 8572000 5484000 1728400 1345800 258700 312475
Q4 '11 16427000 8670000 5554000 1735000 1355300 257300 314135
Q1 '12 16530000 8774000 5643000 1746000 1363800 257200 318510
Q2 '12 16434000 8776000 5763000 1751000 1361600 257600 320812
Q3 '12 16392000 8768000 5807000 1752000 1216200 260100 322551
Q4 '12 16390000 8795000 5848000 1757000 1214500 259400 326367
Q1 '13 16514000 8894000 5915000 1752000 1205900 260200 330082
Q2 '13 16453000 8939000 5909000 1781000 1194500 261700 332620
Q3 '13 16427000 8995000 5942000 1808000 1183400 265600 330698
Q4 '13 16425000 9015000 5991000 1836000 1170900 268400 329766
Q1 '14 16503000 9031000 6057000 1873000 1170400 270000 331538
Q2 '14 16448000 9077000 6055000 1900500 1153800 270300 333421
Q3 '14 16486000 9146000 6063000 1922000 1142000 270500 329494
Q4 '14 16028000 9205000 6082000 2342500 1131600 269900 321624
Q1 '15 16097000 9246000 6117000 2359500 1132400 272700 318378
Q2 '15 15961000 9221000 6108000 2388500 1120800 275100 317100
Q3 '15 15832000 9223000 6071000 2415500 1109600 281300 313982
Q4 '15 15778000 9228000 6048000 2444000 1095100 287400 311130
Q1 '16 15764000 9218000 6056000 2468600 1092000 292400 311323
Q2 '16 15641000 7014000 5990000 4552000 1075800 296700 311440
Q3 '16 15618000 7038000 5950000 4404000 1063000 299800 309547
Q4 '16 15605000 7038000 5945000 4271000 1051100 303200 306624
Q1 '17 15695000 7011000 5945000 4164000 1047600 307400 305353
Q2 '17 15686000 6988000 5868000 4063000 1025800 307100 304193
Q3 '17 15715000 6978000 5767000 4000000 1017400 307900 301000
Q4 '17 15719000 6959000 5662000 3938000 1006600 308700 301000
Q1 '18 15775000 6966000 5595000 3895000 1004400 310900 785230
Q2 '18 15772000 6956000 5506000 3863000 1006700 310500 786787