Technology & Telecommunication Services » Telecommunications » Deutsche Telekom AG | Mobile phone connections by provider in Germany 2008-2018

Number of mobile phone connections in Germany 2008-2018, by provider

Number of mobile phone connections in Germany from 1st quarter 2008 to 1st quarter 2018, by provider (in millions)

The data displays the number of mobile phone connections in Germany from the first quarter of 2008 to the first quarter of 2018, broken down by provider. The figures refer to the number of SIM cards in circulation and include cell phone contracts as well as prepaid connections and SIM cards that are used for automatic communication between machines (M2M). Vodafone was the biggest provider with roughly 46.3 million mobile connections in the first quarter of 2018.

Q1 '08 37.11 34.41 15.4 13.01
Q2 '08 38.4 35.3 16.2 13.58
Q3 '08 38.8 36.19 17.03 13.98
Q4 '08 39.1 36.17 17.78 14.2
Q1 '09 38.98 35.47 18.04 14.51
Q2 '09 39.1 34.92 18.24 14.93
Q3 '09 39.33 34.54 18.71 15.4
Q4 '09 39.14 34.63 18.99 15.51
Q1 '10 38.54 34.54 19.29 15.87
Q2 '10 36.98 34.87 19.59 16.27
Q3 '10 34.88 35.69 19.9 16.63
Q4 '10 34.69 36.68 20.43 17.05
Q1 '11 34.57 36.71 20.98 17.36
Q2 '11 34.52 36.02 21.54 17.75
Q3 '11 34.91 36.83 22.15 18.15
Q4 '11 35.4 37.63 22.72 18.38
Q1 '12 35.1 36.46 23.06 18.6
Q4 '12 36.57 33.89 23.4 19.3
Q2 '12 35.47 35.81 23.5 18.83
Q1 '13 37.01 32.41 23.95 19.33
Q3 '12 35.99 35.1 24 19.11
Q2 '13 37.49 32.24 24.43 19.41
Q3 '13 37.94 31.96 24.8 19.58
Q4 '13 38.63 32.25 24.95 19.4
Q1 '14 39.15 32.31 25.45 19.28
Q2 '14 39.34 31.94 25.85 19.44
Q3 '14 39.65 31.71 26.32 19.65
Q4 '14 38.99 31.52 42.13
Q1 '15 39.2 30.94 42.18
Q2 '15 39.47 30.32 42.62
Q1 '16 40.64 30.33 43.01
Q4 '15 40.37 30.39 43.06
Q3 '15 39.89 30.22 43.29
Q2 '16 41.14 41.89 43.42
Q3 '16 41.46 43.1 44.07
Q4 '16 41.85 43.7 44.32
Q1 '17 42.11 44.6 44.68
Q2 '17 42.01 45.2 45.19
Q3 '17 42.53 45.7 48.37
Q4 '17 43.13 46 45.92
Q1 '18 42.73 46.3 42.78