Technology & Telecommunication Services » Telecommunications » Smartphones | Global smartphone shipments by region 2014-2018

Quarterly global smartphone unit shipments by region 2014-2018

Smartphone unit shipments worldwide from 2nd quarter 2014 to 1st quarter 2018 (in million units), by region

The data displays the total smartphone unit shipments from the second quarter of 2014 to the first quarter of 2018, broken down by geographical region. In the fourth quarter of 2017, 35 million smartphones were shipped in Latin America.

2Q '14 25 14.7 40.3 50 31.9 27.8 98.6
3Q '14 26 18.2 43.9 53.2 35.5 32 92.6
4Q '14 36.1 21.4 57 58.8 37.7 40 95.1
1Q '15 27.9 16.9 43.5 67.3 39.9 31.8 92
2Q '15 25.4 15 44.5 65.8 39.1 30.2 88.8
3Q '15 24.9 18.7 46.6 67.4 40.2 33 98
4Q '15 29.9 20.9 56.2 72.8 41.5 40.4 106.6
1Q '16 24.8 17.1 45.4 68.7 42 30 109.2
2Q '16 24.6 16.8 44.6 66.6 41.6 29.8 109.7
3Q '16 25.1 20.5 50 72.8 41.9 33.2 111.9
4Q '16 33.1 22.6 58.7 79.2 42.6 38.3 118.4
2Q '17 27 18.7 47.4 72.8 42.2 28.7 110.1
3Q '17 27.8 22.3 49.3 74.1 45.2 30.9 117
4Q '17 35 25.2 62 77.1 46.2 37 114.7
1Q '18 32.8 19.7 35.8 76.3 44.1 28.3 109.6