Transportation & Logistics » Air Transport » Air carrier market in India | India's airports - aircraft movements by type 2017

Aircraft movements at airports by type - India 2013-2017

Number of aircraft movements at Indian airports from FY 2013-2014 to FY 2016-2017, by sector (in thousands)

The data illustrates the number of aircraft movements at Indian airports from the fiscal year of 2013-2014 to the fiscal year of 2016-2017. In the fiscal year of 2016-2017, Indian airports reported a little over two million aircraft movements, including domestic and international movements.

2013-2014 1200.65 335.97 1536.62
2014-2015 1257.66 345.36 1603.02
2015-2016 1420.46 375 1795.46
2016-2017 1648.66 400.42 2049.09