Transportation & Logistics » Air Transport » Air transportation in Mexico | U.S.-Mexico import flows by air - major commodities 2017

Commodities by weight: U.S.-Mexico air freight imports 2017

U.S.-Mexico imported air freight transportation commodities in 2017, by weight (in tons)

The data depicts the major commodities imported by the U.S. air freight transportation system from Mexico in 2017, by weight. In that year, United States imported nearly 17,000 tons of electrical machinery, equipment and parts from Mexico. The value of imported electrical machinery, equipment and parts amounted to about 2.2 billion USD in that year.

Total all commodities 64741.42
Electrical machinery,
Equipment and parts
Computer-related machinery
and parts
Fish and crustaceans 9913.79
Vehicles other than railway 7717.54
Measuring and testing instruments 3663.52
Special classification provisions 2681.36
Furniture, lamps and
prefabricated buildings
Edible fruits and nuts 1563.56
Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits 1274.36
Plastics and articles 937.63