Boeing - number of employees 2001-2017

Number of Boeing employees from FY 2001 to FY 2017 (in thousands)

The data displays the number of Boeing employees from the fiscal year of 2001 to the fiscal year of 2017. In the fiscal year of 2017, the aircraft manufacturer employed some 140,800 people.

How many employees does Boeing have? Boeing is one of the global leaders in the aircraft manufacturing industry, as well as one of the biggest companies in the world. In 2017, the Chicago-headquartered jet manufacturer generated around 93.4 billion USD in revenue, and its main competitor, Airbus, amassed around 67 billion USD in revenue in the same year.

2001 188
2002 166
2003 157
2004 159
2005 153
2006 154
2007 159
2008 162
2009 157
2010 161
2011 172
2012 174
2013 168
2014 165.5
2015 161.4
2016 150.5
2017 140.8